Why Do Trees Shed Their Bark in Akron, OH?

Why Do Trees Shed Their Bark in Akron, OH?

Noticing missing patches of bark on your tree’s trunk might be concerning. Yet, bark loss can be a natural occurrence or an indicator of a health problem. So why do trees shed their bark, and how can you tell when it’s a problem? At Petrarca Landcare Inc.,...
When Is a Tree Considered Dead in Akron, OH?

When Is a Tree Considered Dead in Akron, OH?

Customers of Petrarca Landcare Inc. often ask our experts, “When is a tree considered dead?” The answer is more complex than it might appear. Read on to learn more about how the top professionals for tree removal in Akron, Ohio, determine whether trees are dead. Dead...
How to Remove an Established Tree in Akron, OH

How to Remove an Established Tree in Akron, OH

It’s common for property owners to need tree removal due to construction, plant damage, or tree location. Yet, knowing how to remove an established tree isn’t identical to the DIY tree removal steps you might take to eliminate a small, young tree.  As...
Should I Remove a Tree Close to My House in Lakewood, Ohio?

Should I Remove a Tree Close to My House in Lakewood, Ohio?

If you have a tree in your yard growing tall, you may ask yourself, “Should I remove a tree close to my house?” Trees are great for a yard, providing shade, oxygen, and a touch of green when spring rolls around. However, trees too close to your home can be dangerous...
Can Too Much Mulch Kill a Tree in Lakewood, OH?

Can Too Much Mulch Kill a Tree in Lakewood, OH?

Petrarca Landcare, your expert tree service in Lakewood, Ohio, offers useful advice about growing healthy trees.  In this post, we’ll answer another commonly asked question—can too much mulch kill a tree? The short answer is “Yes.” However, let’s look at how too...
Why Do Trees Die in Lakewood, OH?

Why Do Trees Die in Lakewood, OH?

Trees make our homes look more beautiful and livelier. They provide us with shade and fruits, among other benefits. For these reasons, you would wish the trees on your property to stand forever.  Sadly, that can’t happen. While some trees can live for more than...
How Close Can a Tree Be to a House?

How Close Can a Tree Be to a House?

Trees add beauty to your property and make it look livelier. They also provide shade, privacy, and other many other benefits. However, you can’t plant a tree just anywhere in your yard.  How close can a tree be to a house without causing potential problems? As a...
A Guide to Strategic Tree Placement on Your Property

A Guide to Strategic Tree Placement on Your Property

Planting a few gorgeous trees along your Lakewood property provides an exceptional way to heighten its appearance and charm. However, planting trees in the wrong location can cause multiple issues, ranging from foundation damage to improper drainage. To help you...
How to Prepare Soil for Tree Planting

How to Prepare Soil for Tree Planting

The beautiful tree you hope will one day adorn your property starts at one place – the soil. Some might think growing trees is as easy as picking a tree species, digging a hole, planting the tree, and waiting for it to grow. However, this is not the case. If you are...
How to Care for Apple Trees in Fall: Expert Advice

How to Care for Apple Trees in Fall: Expert Advice

Most apple trees lose their leaves during fall as they prepare for the chilly winter season. However, that doesn’t mean you should stop your orchard maintenance routine. Maintaining optimal fall tree care is essential to ensure your apple trees thrive once spring...
Cutting a Leaning Tree: How Pros Do It

Cutting a Leaning Tree: How Pros Do It

Are you thinking of cutting a leaning tree? In this post, Petrarca Landcare Inc., your experts in tree removal in Lakewood, explain how to fell trees that are starting to topple.  Removing Excess Branches Unlike with normal pruning, you want to thin the...
How Professionals Transplant a Tree

How Professionals Transplant a Tree

Learning how experts transplant a tree makes it easier to care for ailing specimens or move a badly positioned plant without killing it.  In this post, Petrarca Landcare Inc., your reliable tree service company in Lakewood, Ohio, explains how to achieve a...
Can a Dead Tree Have Green Leaves?

Can a Dead Tree Have Green Leaves?

You look at your tree and feel something is off with it. But it still has leaves, so you breathe a sigh of relief that at least it’s alive. Or can a dead tree have green leaves? It might sound easy, but it’s quite difficult to tell whether a tree is dying or dead by...
How to Straighten a Curved Tree Trunk

How to Straighten a Curved Tree Trunk

Trees have a natural inclination to grow straight. However, a tree’s trunk may curve because of strong winds, wet soil, improper planting, or other reasons. A young tree will particularly succumb to environmental conditions that may result in tree-leaning.  ...
What Trees Produce the Most Pollen?

What Trees Produce the Most Pollen?

What trees produce the most pollen? If you’re an allergy-prone gardener, the last thing you want is a yard full of plants that could trigger unsavory reactions. As Lakewood’s expert tree service, we at Petrarca Landcare Inc. know our local tree varieties like the...
How to Treat Borers in Trees: A Brief Guide

How to Treat Borers in Trees: A Brief Guide

Are you wondering how to treat borers in trees? In this post, Petrarca Landcare, Inc., your trusted tree service experts in Akron, Ohio, explains how to stop tree-boring insects in their tracks. Cypermethrin Treatment You must deal with borer insects quickly...
How to Save a Tree with Damaged Bark

How to Save a Tree with Damaged Bark

Trees are incredibly robust and can withstand most severe weather and strong winds with relative ease. However, even the strongest trees aren’t immune to damage that hinders their health and overall appeal. Many experience bark damage that taint their appearance and...
How to Get Rid of Mushrooms on Trees  

How to Get Rid of Mushrooms on Trees  

Mushrooms growing on trees should be a cause for concern. Some mushrooms help trees, but most of them tend to appear after the fungi that produce them have already inflicted serious internal damage to the infected tree.  Keep reading for more information on how...
Can Carpenter Ants Kill Trees? Should You Worry?

Can Carpenter Ants Kill Trees? Should You Worry?

Have you ever wondered, “Can carpenter ants kill trees?” Discovering a thriving carpenter ant colony proves distressing, as some colonies can contain over 100,000 insects. However, carpenter ant nests in your trees do not necessarily seal the fate of your...
How to Save a Stressed Tree: 8 Tips

How to Save a Stressed Tree: 8 Tips

Understanding how to save a stressed tree is the best way to turn around symptoms that range from stunted growth to yellow leaves. As Massillon’s trusted tree service, Petrarca Landcare Inc. explains more on the topic below.  How To Combat The Signs of...
How to Trim a Palm Tree Trunk: How the Pros Do It

How to Trim a Palm Tree Trunk: How the Pros Do It

While swaying, tall palm trees might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Northeast Ohio, many local residents include potted palms in their outdoor landscaping. These plants are low maintenance but may require occasional trimming and pruning to...
How to Kill Vines on Trees Without Causing Damage 

How to Kill Vines on Trees Without Causing Damage 

Look no further if you wonder how to kill vines on trees without harming your elegant evergreens. Homeowners can remove vicious vines without damaging root systems, tree bark, or canopies. Common vine species, such as kudzu, strangle the life out of trees and prevent...
Fall Maintenance of Trees: Best Practices

Fall Maintenance of Trees: Best Practices

While the maintenance of trees is a year-round endeavor for every property owner, fall tree care is essential to your tree’s survival. Caring for your trees in fall goes a long way in protecting them during winter. Fall tree care also provides your trees with...
How Much Water Does a Tree Need?

How Much Water Does a Tree Need?

Trees are more resilient than plants and vegetation. Yet, they still require plenty of water, healthy soil, and sunlight to grow and thrive. Healthy trees protect us from hot weather, provide fresher air, grow fruits, shelter our homes, and provide a soothing...
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