Should I Remove a Tree Close to My House in Lakewood, Ohio?

Should I Remove a Tree Close to My House in Lakewood, Ohio?

If you have a tree in your yard growing tall, you may ask yourself, “Should I remove a tree close to my house?” Trees are great for a yard, providing shade, oxygen, and a touch of green when spring rolls around. However, trees too close to your home can be dangerous...
Can Too Much Mulch Kill a Tree in Lakewood, OH?

Can Too Much Mulch Kill a Tree in Lakewood, OH?

Petrarca Landcare, your expert tree service in Lakewood, Ohio, offers useful advice about growing healthy trees.  In this post, we’ll answer another commonly asked question—can too much mulch kill a tree? The short answer is “Yes.” However, let’s look at how too...
Why Do Trees Die in Lakewood, OH?

Why Do Trees Die in Lakewood, OH?

Trees make our homes look more beautiful and livelier. They provide us with shade and fruits, among other benefits. For these reasons, you would wish the trees on your property to stand forever.  Sadly, that can’t happen. While some trees can live for more than...
How Close Can a Tree Be to a House?

How Close Can a Tree Be to a House?

Trees add beauty to your property and make it look livelier. They also provide shade, privacy, and other many other benefits. However, you can’t plant a tree just anywhere in your yard.  How close can a tree be to a house without causing potential problems? As a...
A Guide to Strategic Tree Placement on Your Property

A Guide to Strategic Tree Placement on Your Property

Planting a few gorgeous trees along your Lakewood property provides an exceptional way to heighten its appearance and charm. However, planting trees in the wrong location can cause multiple issues, ranging from foundation damage to improper drainage. To help you...
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