Should I Remove a Tree Close to My House in Lakewood, Ohio?

If you have a tree in your yard growing tall, you may ask yourself, “Should I remove a tree close to my house?” Trees are great for a yard, providing shade, oxygen, and a touch of green when spring rolls around.

However, trees too close to your home can be dangerous to its structure. Removing trees close to houses involves many logistics, which is why our team from the top-notch tree service in Lakewood, Ohio, has provided this short article highlighting the most common reasons you may want to remove a tree from your property.

should i remove a tree close to house

Tree Removal and House Safety

The decision to remove trees near residences requires a good eye for tree health. Trees that are diseased, decaying, or dead are all liable for removal, but how do you know if a tree poses a real threat to your home? You may want to consider removing the tree from your property if it is:

Too Close to Windows

If your tree branches reach out close to your windows, this could cause damage in the future. Even if the tree doesn’t eventually fall, wind can damage windows if branches are nearby. To prevent window damage, you can prune or completely remove the tree, especially if it is already tapping on the glass. 

Too Close to the Roof

You may be asking, “Should I remove a tree close to my house if it’s too big?” Large trees that provide plenty of shade are undoubtedly good for aesthetics. However, a tree encroaching above you could cause damage if you have a tile roof. What’s more, if your tree is tall enough to touch your roof or tower over it, the risk of it falling and causing serious damage to your home will only rise. 

Leaning Toward Your House

A tree that leans is a scary sight. A leaning tree can mean that the roots are failing, the tree is suffering from some kind of disease in the trunk, or the tree is old and dying. Regardless of why a tree is leaning, you’ll want to address the problem with tree removal as soon as you can before it leans more — or falls.

Dead, Dying, or Decaying From Disease

If your tree is dying, it’s time to remove it. A sick or dying tree won’t get better because it may be approaching the end of its natural life cycle. Your tree is likely dead or dying if:

  • There are branches across the ground underneath the tree.
  • It loses leaves too frequently.
  • It leans.
  • It shows evidence of rot in the trunk.
  • The bark is loose and peels easily.

Surfacing Roots

Another hazard that can warrant removing a tree from your property that not many people think about is what lies under the dirt: roots. Any root that comes to the surface has the potential to be a tripping hazard or compromise your house’s foundation. While roots aren’t as dangerous as a tree falling on your property, they can be a major inconvenience if there is too much spindling on the surface surrounding your tree.

Call the Tree Experts for Consultation and More

Now that you know the answer to the question, “How close can a tree be to a house?“ and “Should I remove a tree close to my house?” we can help. Consider calling Petrarca Landcare today at 330-933-0562 for a consultation and recommendation on what to do next. With our expertise in tree handling and replanting, we can get your yard looking better and feeling safer than ever.

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