How To Treat Brown Spots on Tree Leaves in Lakewood, OH

Proper tree maintenance is essential to keep them healthy and beautiful. One of the common issues you’ll have to deal with is brown spots on your tree leaves. 

In this blog post, Petrarca Landcare, a trusted expert in tree removal in Lakewood, delves deeper into how to treat brown spots on tree leaves. 

What Causes Brown Spots?

While most leaf spot diseases result from fungi, a few are a result of bacteria and other pathogens. However, pathogens are often host-specific. This means they’ll only affect trees in the same family. 

Regardless of the type of tree you have on your property, you’ll potentially have to deal with at least one leaf spot disease. 

How To Identify Leaf Spot Diseases on Your Trees

Before you even think about how to treat brown spots on tree leaves, you need to be sure that a disease is the problem plaguing your trees.

The top sign that your tree has leaf spot disease is spots on its foliage. These spots occur in different sizes and colors depending on the tree affected, the stage of development, and the organism involved. The spots are usually brown or black, but others can be tan. 

You might also notice dark margins on the affected leaves. If you don’t address the problem early enough, the spots may merge or become bigger and form unsightly blotches.

How To Treat Leaf Spot Disease

If you’ve been wanting to know how to treat brown spots on tree leaves, here are a few simple yet effective remedies.

Leave the Disease Untreated

Some tree species can withstand leaf spot disease, and this won’t compromise their overall health. A tree affected at the beginning of the year may develop new leaves, which won’t have brown spots. The damage will only be severe if the tree suffers defoliation at least three years in a row. 

Save Your Tree Too Much Stress

Be sure your tree gets sufficient water throughout the growing season. This ensures the top six to eight inches of the top soil stays moist, particularly during the dry summer months. Also, allow the soil to dry before you water it again. 

Maintaining a three- to four-inch deep layer of mulch around the tree also helps reduce stress. Avoid mounding the mulch around the tree’s trunk. Instead, spread a flat layer with at least a two-inch space between the stem and mulch for good air circulation. 

Remove Infected Leaves and Dead Branches

Rake up and get rid of affected leaves as they fall, and chop off dead twigs. This helps control leaf spot disease, as it removes spores that can reinfect your tree in the next growing season. 

Keep the Tree Leaves Dry

Wet conditions encourage leaf spot disease; water your trees at the base and avoid splashing water on the leaves. Instead of overhead watering, use a drip or soaker hose. Don’t overcrowd plants and prune them to encourage proper air circulation.

Use Fungicides If Necessary

If the infection is severe, consider applying fungicide. Since spraying doesn’t cure infected leaves, it’s best to start as soon as buds break during the spring. Repeat this at 10 to 14 days intervals. Consult your arborist to determine the best fungicide for the disease. 

Contact Your Local Tree Experts for Assistance

If you still need help learning how to treat brown spots on tree leaves, talk to the experts at Petrarca Landcare. We provide a wide range of services, including:

  • Tree trimming & pruning
  • Tree removal
  • Stump grinding

Contact us at (330) 933-0562 to request a free estimate or to learn how to save a stressed tree in Lakewood, OH, today!

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