Trimming Trees in the Summer: Is it Advisable?

trimming trees in summer

There is plenty of advice online about trimming trees in summer, much of it against doing so. When you have a burgeoning to-do list, it may seem easier to let this task slide. However, according to tree service experts in Massillon, OH, this isn’t always advisable.

The team at Petrarca Landcare notes that while it’s best to trim your trees when they’re dormant in winter, there are some exceptions to this rule. Done correctly, trimming trees in summer can be viable.

Is it Time to Prune in Summer? 

Think of early spring or summer tree trimming as a quick tidy-up rather than completely reshaping the tree. For example, it is not the time to remove excess water sprouts unless they are damaged or diseased. 

Trimming trees in summer is more of a surgical exercise to accomplish a small mission goal rather than an all-out final assault to tame your tree. Stick to the correct techniques, minimize the damage, and you’ll be fine. 

Tips for Pruning Your Tree in Spring or Summer

Identify Potentially Weak Branches

Check the health of the branches. Are they intact or showing signs of damage? Note any damaged branches for cutting.

Pay particular attention to water sprouts and weak or broken components. Cut these back if necessary to prevent the wind from ripping them out of the trees later and causing further damage. 

Make Small Cuts

You must deal with any broken branches immediately. That said, focus on unbroken branches an inch in diameter or less.  For a quick tidy-up or reshape, stick to only the most minor branches.

Not doing so can stunt the growth of oak trees and many other species. Cutting too harshly in summer forces your trees to divert their energy from growing to repair. 

Shape Your Tree Carefully

Summer pruning can help improve a tree’s shape and the view it provides. This is best done conservatively, only trimming as absolutely necessary.

Understand the Risks

The primary reason that experts advise against summer pruning is that you create an open wound in the tree. This gives fungi and other diseases an entry point. Since many such plights can be fatal, experts recommend not pruning oaks or elms until winter. 

If you have no choice, protect the plant by covering the wound with latex paint. 

Should You Hire a Professional? 

Arborist understands trees at an unparalleled level and are passionate about conserving them. They notice signs that the amateur may completely miss and always apply the correct techniques for the job. When in doubt, it’s best to ask for professional assistance. 

Arborists can assist by:

  • Removing dead, damaged, or rotting wood to improve the aesthetic appeal
  • Ensuring that each tree receives the optimal level of attention
  • Keeping high-risk areas like power lines clear without killing the entire plant 
  • Creating optimal environmental conditions so that each tree thrives

Calling an arborist is the right thing to do if you suspect your tree is diseased or unstable. You could save yourself expensive structural or property damage later on for a nominal consultation fee. More importantly, you’ll prevent a branch from crashing down on a loved one. 

Finally, our team is helpful when you must cut larger branches. Anything with a diameter of over four inches poses a significant safety risk without the correct equipment, so please call the pros. 

Do you have a branch that’s holding on by a few strands? Is there one making ominous creaking sounds?

Learn more about our tree trimming services and see why we’re the best. Then, contact Petrarca Landcare at (330) 933-0562 and let us take care of trimming trees in summer. 


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