When Is the Right Time to Remove a Tree?

When Is the Right Time to Remove a Tree

There are numerous advantages to planting trees on your property. Aside from adding beauty to a property, trees provide oxygen, recycle the air, aid in energy conservation, and much more.

Having trees on your property also has financial benefits. On average, properties with tree landscaping are worth 5% to 15% more than properties without trees.

While a tree may appear healthy to you, a certified arborist may declare it a disaster waiting to happen, necessitating the use of a tree removal service to contain the situation.

Dying trees are a major source of concern and must be removed immediately. The signs of a dead tree, on the other hand, aren’t always obvious, making it difficult for many to avoid the intended doom.

If you are unsure about the sickly or dead trees on your property, this article will explain the signs that indicate when it is time to remove a tree or dead branches, along with established tree removal tips for a safer and more effective process.

Tree Removal: Signs Indicating When to Remove Tree 

The Tree Is Dead

When a tree dies, it no longer provides benefits such as shade or aesthetic appeal. Instead, because of its compromised integrity, a dead tree poses a significant safety risk, and falling tree limbs can harm humans or cause property damage.

Aside from safety, dead tree removal can help prevent pests and diseases from spreading to nearby trees in your yard. Don’t risk yourself, your property, or other healthy trees by removing a dead tree; instead, contact a professional tree removal service.

Signs of Decay and Disease

A sickly tree is prone to infection and pest infestation. Tree diseases can also cause property damage. As their structure deteriorates, infected or dead branch stubs may fall and cause significant damage.

Meanwhile, a tree with internal decay stands out among healthy trees, reducing the curb appeal of your property. To restore the aesthetic appeal of your home, have a tree removal company remove infected trees.

The Tree Suffered Storm Damage

Storms and high winds can do significant damage to trees, resulting in stem failure, complete blow-over, crown twisting, or root system failure.

Unfortunately, trees that sustain this type of damage die. You have no choice but to remove the tree because it has become a hazard.

The Risk of Damaging a Building

Some native trees have large branches and aggressive root systems, making them unsuitable for use in residential areas. You might have one in your yard; you should get rid of it before it causes damage to your house.

Before contacting tree removal services, conduct a tree risk assessment. The review assists in determining whether or not to remove a tree.

The Tree features a Hollow Trunk 

A hollow hole in the trunk of a tree is an obvious sign that your tree is decaying or weakening. Detached tree limbs may reveal hollow cavities that are ideal for rodents and birds to live in.

If you notice furry or feathery heads poking out of your tree, it is possible that it is hollow. However, you do not have to have the tree cut down right away. Instead, hire an arborist to evaluate the tree to see if it is healthy enough to be kept.

The Tree Has Dead Branches

Dead branches are one of the signs that a tree is being attacked by pests, diseases, or other stressors. The occasional dead branch on your tree is normal; this is why tree pruning exists. A tree with several dead limbs, on the other hand, may be suffering from an underlying problem.

Below are ways you can tell if a tree branch is dead:

  • The layer underneath the branch skin is green

  • The branch features buds and foliage during the growing season

  • A dead branch will snap easily

The Tree Has a Significant Lean

Trees naturally lean slightly to one side—the heavier side. When the lean is unusual, however, it jeopardizes the tree’s architecture. Because of their weight, leaning trees are frequently uprooted.

Have a tree care expert inspect the tree before it uproots and causes significant damage. Furthermore, the lean makes the tree a prime candidate for storm damage. Don’t put your property’s safety at risk for the sake of appearances.

The Tree Shows Signs of Root Rot

A tree suffering from root rot cannot be saved. Though letting go of a tree can be difficult, you may have no choice.

However, because it is difficult to get a good view of the underground root system, the signs of root rot may be difficult to detect. In the meantime, root rot mimics the symptoms of other tree problems. Nonetheless, root rot symptoms include:

  • Decaying and weak branches

  • Stunted growth 

  • Discolored leaves

  • Canopy thinning 

  • Sunken wood

Should I Hire Tree Removal Professionals or Go DIY? 

Trying to remove a sickly or dead tree can be difficult, especially if you are inexperienced and working alone. Furthermore, removing an obstacle near your home, power lines, or other obstacles necessitates a high level of professionalism.

When removing a manageable-sized healthy tree with no nearby obstacles, DIY tree removal is recommended.

Contact a Professional for Your Tree Removal in Massillon, OH

Petrarca Landcare is a reputable tree removal company in Massillon, OH. We’ve been serving the Massillon area for many years, and our priority has always been to provide excellent tree services at very reasonable prices. Aside from tree removal, we also provide stump grinding, tree trimming, lawn care, and other tree services.

It is usually best for people to hire certified tree experts to handle their tree removal. Call us at 330-933-0562 or visit our website for more information on our service areas and to request a free estimate.

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